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2024 Training


Anxiety: Its Manifestation and Transformation in Sandplay Therapy with Children and Adolescents

Image source: Presenter

Presenter: Ms Maria Kendler 

Dates: 19, 20, 22 & 29 October 2024

(4 classes)

Time: 7 pm - 10 pm (HK Time)

Format: Zoom 

Langue: English

Early bird registration extended to 12 Oct. 2024

In this 4-session online workshop, Ms Maria Kendler will cover the general questions about anxiety in its various clinical forms and basic therapeutic reflections about the treatment of anxiety. We shall look at this phenomenon in Sandplay Therapy from many angles: 

  • ​How does the client come to a symbolic expression of anxiety when language fails?

  • How does the sensorial dimension of Sandplay allow the treatment of anxiety on a preverbal level?

  • How to deal with difficulties and defences against the expression of anxiety?

  • Recognize specific symbols for the expression of fear.

  • How can the therapist support the transformation of anxiety in Sandplay Therapy by his containing presence?

  • Recognize the appearance of resources in sand pictures that will help the client to encounter his/her fears.


Case material with different forms of anxiety from children and adolescents will be presented.



Image source: From the Red Book by C. G. Jung


From Boy to Manhood: Jungian Sandplay Journey for Masculinity

These two-days of 12-hour ISST accredited workshop will discuss and illustrate the development of psychological stages and challenges for man through sandplay cases. There are different psychological tasks for young boys and men to accomplish. Failures in transitions from newborn to childhood and adolescence to manhood were significant causes of various psychological issues. Sandplay therapy facilitates these transitions; therapists are essential in helping clients overcome those tasks. Two boys and young men's sandplay cases will be used to demonstrate how sandplay therapy facilitates the symbolic, self-healing process and the therapist's role.


Presenter: Mr. George Kwok Kar Kin (Teacher member of HKSTA &  ISST)

Dates: August 3 to August 4, 2024

Time: 9:30 a.m. to12:30 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Hong Kong Red Cross Headquarters - (Room 104) & Zoom

Address:19 Hoi Ting Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong


Zoom attendance is only available for overseas participants, all local HK participants are expected to attend in person


Alchemy and Sandplay process-Opus of Transformation

In this 4-session online workshop, we will explore the ancient arts of alchemy. It was a mysterious practice, concerned with the transmutation of base metals such as lead, into gold, where the initial ‘dark matter' was subjected to a series of operations in an attempt to transform it. Ancient alchemists performed chemical experiments, aimed at changing the nature of matter, but their texts dense with cryptic, esoteric descriptions, reveal concern with the process of spiritual transformation. In these arcane, often impossibly abstruse accounts, Jung discovered descriptions of processes rich in archetypal symbolism, which he concluded were analogous to the process of psychological development. This workshop will feature case presentations of a child and an adult whose sandplay processes exhibit a remarkable amount of alchemical symbolism. These presentations aim to illustrate how the process of alchemical transformation aligns with the stages of the sandplay process and Jung's concept of individuation. Betty encourages participant interaction throughout and welcomes attendees at all levels of experience in terms of Sandplay training or practice.
-Understanding the alchemy concepts and its operation in the Sandplay process;
-Analyzing Sand pictures in the view of alchemical symbolism in the cases presented;
-Becoming aware of the correspondence between alchemical phases of transformation, Sandplay process, and Jung’s concept of individuation.


Image source: Zoroaster Clavis Arts 1738 

Presenter: Betty Jackson

Dates: 22 and 29 Feb, 7 and 14 March, 2024

(4 classes)

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-17 at 5.34.50 PM.jpeg

Image source:


5Ws in Sandplay Therapy Training

This course aims to provide the practical considerations and guidelines for mental health professionals who are at the beginning stage in using sandplay therapy with clients. There will be two parts to this course: Part I is an interactive webinar workshop and Part II will be an in-person experiential workshop.

For Part I, (17 & 18 February 2024) we will answer these 5W questions:
“What is the theoretical base and therapeutic goals of Sandplay Therapy?”
“What is the role of the therapist and client in Sandplay Therapy?”
“What are the materials used in Sandplay Therapy?”
“What is the process of conducting a sandplay session?”
“Why is it most important to understand the client’s first tray?”

For Part II, (3 & 10 March 2024) we will get to experience firsthand the essence of sandplay therapy and answer these 5W Questions:
“What is the relationship between active imagination and sandplay?”
“What is the symbolic significance of wet and dry sand through the senses?”
“What is a sandplay creation?”
“What is the difference between the sand at the beach and the sand in sandplay?”
“What is the most important element in sandplay therapy?”


Presenters: Ruby Mui, Berenice Lee

Dates:  17 and 18 February, 3 and 10 March (4 classes)

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