Previous Announcements
Notice of the Thirteenth Annual General Meeting
13 March 2024​
Dear Members: This is to inform you of the Thirteenth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hong Kong Sandplay Therapy Association to be held on 13 March 2024 at 7:00pm. It will be followed by a Study Group. The meeting will be held online through ZOOM.​ Details of the AGM will be circulated to all existing members by email.​Thank you for your continual support to HKSTA. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
The Passing of Ms. Ruth Ammann
3 August 2023
We are sad to share that Ms Ruth Ammann, one of the significant contributors in sandplay therapy, has passed away on 3 August 2023.
Ruth was a Jungian analyst and had a private practice in Switzerland. She was a graduate of the C G Jung Institute in Kusnacht where she was a lecturer and training analyst. She studied with Dora Kalff, the pioneer of sandplay therapy, and she was a past president of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy.
Ruth will be dearly remembered and we send our sincere condolences to her family.
Notice for the Twelfth Annual General Meeting
16 March 2023
Dear Members,
The Hong Kong Sandplay Therapy Association will hold our Twelfth Annual General Meeting on 16 March 2023 (Thursday). It will be followed by our March study group on “The Legend of the White Snake”, presented by Ms. Jennifer Wong.
We look forward to your attending via Zoom video conferencing) or by proxy, but please note due to security procedures you are required to turn on your camera to gain access to the Zoom video conferencing.
The announcement and related documents of the Twelfth AGM have been sent to all members in a separate email.
If you have any feedback or comment on holding the AGM, please contact the Honorary Secretary at hksta2020@gmail.com
New ISST Certified Sandplay Therapist
15 November 2022
Dear HKSTA members,
We would like to congratulate Ms Cheung Yee Ping Chris who has become the sixth locally trained Certified Sandplay Therapist in Hong Kong. Chris was certified by the ISST (International Society for Sandplay Therapy) as a certified member as of Nov 15, 2022.
In brief, the certification process includes (1) a personal process in sandplay therapy with an ISST member; (2) theoretical training of a minimum of 100 hours of participation in training seminars by ISST Teaching members in the tradition of Dora Kalff that is based on the principles of the psychology of C.G. Jung; (3) two written symbol papers; (4) 80 hours supervision of practical work in individual and group sessions; and (5) one completed written case study evaluated by three International ISST case readers.
Chris is an educational psychologist working in local primary and secondary schools. For years, she has participated in training in hypnotherapy, art therapy, play therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy. The therapeutic skills and symbolic thinking hatched by these training are incorporated widely in her daily work. Her interest in sandplay was ignited when she witnessed similar phenomena manifested in her clients’ sandtrays. Her curiosity led her to Dr. Alexander Esterhuyzen’s sandplay workshop in Hong Kong in 2018, with whom she also went through the personal process. She has been actively engaging in various sandplay and Jungian training locally and online ever since. Her major supervisors are Ms. Carina Conradie and Ms. Adelina Wong. She wrote about ‘Dog’ and ‘Clock’ as her symbol papers. Chris is serving as an executive committee member of HKSTA since 2020 to contribute to the promotion of sandplay therapy in Hong Kong. To pursue her dream of becoming a Jungian analyst, Chris is now a router in the IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology) Router Training Program.
HKSTA fully supports those who intend to become certified sandplay therapists. We will continue to offer programs and other means to facilitate the process.
Notice for the Eleventh Annual General Meeting
30 March 2022
Dear Members,
The Hong Kong Sandplay Therapy Association will hold our Eleventh Annual General Meeting on 30 March 2022 (Wednesday). It will be followed by our March study group on “The Archetypes of Maiden, Mother, Crone”, presented by Dr. Amy Leung.
We look forward to your attending either in person (via Zoom video conferencing) or by proxy, but please note that due to security procedures you are required to turn on your camera to gain access to the Zoom video conferencing.
The announcement and related documents of the Eleventh AGM have been sent to all members in a separate email.
If you have any feedback or comment on holding the AGM, please contact the Honorary Secretary at hksta2020@gmail.com
Dear Members,
The Hong Kong Sandplay Therapy Association will hold our Tenth Annual General Meeting on 24 March 2021 (Wednesday). It will be followed by our March study group on a symbol – Genie: a mentor within, presented by Bhakta Ng.
We look forward to your attending either in person (via Zoom video conferencing) or by proxy, but please note that due to security procedures you are required to turn on your camera to gain access to the Zoom video conferencing.
The announcement and related documents of the Tenth AGM have been sent to all members in a separate email.
If you have any feedback or comment on holding the AGM, please contact the Honorary Secretary at HKSTA2020@gmail.com
Sally Chan is Certified as an ISST Sandplay Therapist
10 February 2021
We would like to congratulate Ms. Sally Chan Shook Yim who has become the fifth locally trained Certified Sandplay Therapist in Hong Kong. Ms. Chan has been certified by the International Society for Sandplay Therapy (ISST) as a Certified Member as of 10 February, 2021.
In brief, the certification process includes (1) a personal process in sandplay therapy with an ISST member; (2) theoretical training of a minimum of 100 hours of participation in training seminars by ISST Teaching members in the tradition of Dora Kalff that is based on the principles of the psychology of C.G. Jung; (3) two written symbol papers; (4) 80 hours supervision of practical work in individual and group sessions; and (5) one completed written case study evaluated by three International ISST case readers.
Ms. Chan began her sandplay journey in 2010 when she attended sandplay workshop conducted by Dr. Alexander Esterhuyzen in Hong Kong. She continued to engage in numerous sandplay training in the following years. She went through her personal sandplay process with Barbara Turner. Her two major supervisors are Dr. Alexander Esterhuyzen and Ms. Lenore Steinhardt. She has done “The Well as a Symbol in Sandplay” and “The Closet in Sandplay Therapy” as her symbol papers. Sally has been an active and dedicated member of HKSTA and has contributed in a significant way. She served as a Committee Member from 2014-2017; and as a Vice-Chairperson from 2017-2020. Currently she is the Chair-Elect. Sally is looking forward to sharing her clinical experiences in writing and teaching.
HKSTA fully supports those who intend to become Certified Sandplay Therapists. We will continue to offer programs and other means to facilitate the process.