2012-2019 Training
The Five Ws in Sandplay Therapy
February to March 2019 (6 classes)
Dr. Ruby Mui Kam Seung
Jungian Theory in Action: Application in Sandplay Therapy
September to October 2019 (6 classes)
Mr. Kwok Kar Kin, George
The Five Ws in Sandplay Therapy
February to April 2018 (6 classes)
Dr. Ruby Mui Kam Seung
Sandplay Therapy with Adolescents:
The Search for Identity in an Imbalanced Field of Inner and Outer Change
November 10 & 11, 2018
Ms. Maria Kendler (Switzerland)
Basic Jungian Concepts and Their Applications in Sandplay Therapy
April & May 2017 (6 classes)
Mr. Kwok Kar Kin, George
The Constructive and Destructive Cycle of the Psychic Process
September 2017
Ms. Adelina Wong
Letting the Images Speaks for Itself
March 2016
Ms. Lenore Steinhardt (Israel)
The Initial Phase of Sandplay Therapy
July 2016
Dr. Amy Leung Wai Yi
Sand and Water: Connection to the Body and Inner Movement
March 2015
Ms. Lenore Steinhardt (Israel)
Introduction to Sandplay Therapy
August 2015
Mr. George Kwok Kar Kin & Ms. Carol Chow Suk Yee
A Path to Healing: Loss and Grief in Children and Adults
November 2015
Dr. Liza Ravitz (USA)
Co-teaching with Mr. George Kwok Kar Kin
Sandplay with Young Children: Archetypal, Developmental and Transference Issues
March 2014
Dr. Liza Ravitz (USA)
Foundation of Sandplay Therapy
September 2014
Dr. Amy Leung Wai Yin
Developing Presence and the Use of Metaphorical Language: Sandplay Therapy for Children and Adolescents
November 2014
Ms. Judy Zappacosta (USA)
An Essential of Sandplay Therapist as Witness An Alchemical Mix of Inner & Outer Space
April 2013
Dr. Liza Ravitz (USA)
Symbols of Healing & Signs of Hope: Sandplay Therapy for Children and Adolescents
November 2013
Ms. Judy Zappacosta (USA)
The Women’s Journey: Discovering Distinctive Value and Consciousness through Sandplay Therapy
May 2012
Dr. Alexander Esterhuyzen (UK)
Introduction to Sandplay Therapy
July & August 2012
Dr. Amy Leung Wai Yin & Ms. Carol Chow Suk Yee
The Basics of Jungian Psychology
July & August 2012
Dr. Amy Leung Wai Yin & Ms. Carol Chow Suk Yee
Essential Jungian Knowledge Necessary for Sandplay Therapy
November 2012
Dr. Alexander Esterhuyzen (UK)
Co-teaching with Dr. Amy Leung Wai Yin & Ms. Adelina Wong Wei Kwan